RANZCP statement regarding Congress

The RANZCP's annual Congress is a scientific conference where psychiatrists come together to share research and professional developments in their specific field. Sharing knowledge and experiences benefits psychiatry and, ultimately, the people who seek psychiatric care.

Those who present at Congress do so with the expectation that they share a wide range of clinical knowledge and information in a professional, ethical and respectful manner. Every speaker presenting at Congress opens themselves to the scrutiny, curiosity, and challenge of their peers. The speakers’ views are their own. They do not speak on behalf of the RANZCP.

Our Congress offers all members the opportunity to present on clinical topics. Presenters are expected to adhere to the values of the RANZCP, which are respect, collaboration, excellence and action.

RANZCP does not and never will condone material that endorses bigotry, racism, transphobia, homophobia, misogyny, ableism, or religious discrimination. 

The 60th annual Congress is about Excellence and Empathy, Knowledge and Kindness and we expect the behaviours and discussions of all attendees to adhere to these premises.

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